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Bayer employees' #selfieforbeingselfless video: Employees of Bayer in the Philippines expressed their gratitude to Bayer and fellow employees all over the world for lending a hand when the country was struck by the strongest typhoon ever recorded in history. Using the hashtag Thank you #selfieforbeingselfless, employees took their selfie photos to express their thank you to all the Bayer colleagues for their support and generosity during the trying times. Source:


Aus dem Beitrag: Selfies

Verwendet in Bayer Selfie, Agenda Deflation/Inflation, EVN Damenspitz und wikifolio Drillisch (Social Feeds Extended)

Bayer employees' #selfieforbeingselfless video: Employees of Bayer in the Philippines expressed their gratitude to Bayer and fellow employees all over the world for lending a hand when the country was struck by the strongest typhoon ever recorded in history.
Using the hashtag Thank you #selfieforbeingselfless, employees took their selfie photos to express their thank you to all the Bayer colleagues for their support and generosity during the trying times.  Source: © mit Genehmigung der jeweiligen Selfiesierenden

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