Jump rot weiss rot Wasser
Semifinal at the European Championships in Kitzbühel went well for me today! 👍🏻😃
First heat of 3 was a tough one and the fastest of the day 🥵 Managed to perform well under hot conditions which means I qualified for the B Final tomorrow! 😃 Happy with that and even happier to race again tomorrow 👊🏼☺️
📷 @wilhelmlilge
#europeanchampionships #EM #triathlon #race #triathlete #swimbikerun #gotime #letsdothis
Von: https://www.instagram.com/tstroschneidertri// (Tanja Stroschneider. Triathletin https://youtu.be/8mBNx4YvAeIhttp://www.sportgeschichte.at)"