Best of June 2015 on (server-stats - ): Ricky Dávila - Todas las cosas del mundo, Ichiro Kojima - Tsugaru, Masafumi Sanai - Wakaranai - I Don't Know, Ciáran Óg Arnold - I went to the worst of bars hoping to get killed. but all I could do was to get drunk again, Hester Scheurwater - Sybille, Andreas Bitesnich - Deeper Shades #04 Vienna, Keizo Kitajima - Modoru Okinawa, Misha Pedan - M, Masakazu Murakami - Kumogakure Onsen: Reclusive Travels, George Georgiou - Last Stop, Misako Oba - Faustus, Saul Leiter - Retrospektive, Petros Koublis - INLANDS, Christian Reister - Alle Katzen Grau, Arnau Blanch - Everybody needs Good Neighbours
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photaq goes photobooks, July 2015

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